Thursday, May 1, 2014

APOD 4.6

The APOD for the date of May 1st is titled, "Brisbane Sunset Moonset". The majestic photograph was taken in the southeastern corner of Australia: Brisbane. The photograph shows the beautiful relationship as the sun and new moon set together on April 29, creating a sort of  partial solar eclipse. These rarities of nature have been posted on the APOD's archive before like this one from April 30th:

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

In order to capture such event, the image was taken from a stack of images taken 5 minutes apart in length with telephoto lens and a solar filter. The reason I chose this image was because after reading the description, I began  thinking of the time and effort put into producing these images. I have mild experience with the images I process from the micro-observatory satellite images and it gives me a good insight into how one can produce such wonderful photographs taken from nature.

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